Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sorry I have been gone so long.
Things have been crazy busy with finishing school, the holidays, my state exam and externship. However yesterday for the first time in forever one of my best friends and I went and painted pottery. What a fun afternoon.
I learned alot about painting pottery, like how long it takes to fire at 1800 degrees and how it takes 16-17 hours to cool down. We learned that none of the colors that you paint the piece with look anything like they will once they are fired.
My friend free handed the nautilus shell on her bowl, the owner of the shop printed out the picture and my friend drew the shell just like it was the easiest thing to do. I can't draw that well so I took the easy way and did a free hand design all in rich Tuscan colors. We spent 3+ hours drawing, painting and just enjoying the afternoon something we have not been able to do since my schooling started. Oh by the way I have finished my class work, taken and passed my state exam and will be finished with my externship hours in about 10 days then it will be graduation woohoo!
Because the studio was so pleasant and friendly I am putting up a link to her site so all my local friends will be able to check them out as well. They offer "Girls Night Out", Couples Night and much more it is the
 "Art from the Heart Cafe"